For many people, having their own biological children is an integral part of the life they have envisioned. Realizing that it is going to be extremely difficult to do so, or impossible, is a very painful reality. I help people grieve the loss of this dream and come to a place of clarity about what is most important to them going forward.
I work with individuals and couples struggling with infertility to deeply explore their own thoughts and feelings to help them make a decision about what is best for them. We think together about what having a baby means to them, what it would mean if that baby were not theirs biologically, and what their vision is about their lives with or without children. Some people may decide on further fertility treatments, others may choose adoption, for some it will be the choice to remain childless.
I also work with people who have already chosen adoption to address their feelings about adopting a child, think through relationships with birth parents, choose domestic or foreign adoption and many other facets of the adoption process.
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